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What is an Angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a coronary procedure used to treat blocked arteries that supply the blood. It is commonly performed to address coronary artery disease, which occurs when the coronary arteries become narrowed or blocked.

How is Angioplasty Performed?

Local Anesthesia and Sedation

Local anesthesia numbs the catheter area; sedation aids relaxation during angioplasty.

Stent Placement

A stent is inserted via a catheter to expand arteries and restore blood flow.

Recovery and Hospital Stay

Patients often go home within a day unless post-heart-attack angioplasty.

Catheter Insertion

A catheter is inserted through a small incision, guided to blocked arteries.

Procedure Duration

Angioplasty typically lasts 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on blockage complexity.

Post-Procedure Care

Avoid heavy activities, follow medications, and maintain a healthy lifestyle for heart health.

Preparing for Angioplasty

NPO (Nothing by Mouth)

Fast 6-8 hours before surgery to prevent complications during the procedure.


Take prescribed medications with water; inform the healthcare provider about all medications.

Bring Medications

Bring all medications, including prescriptions and supplements, for hospital staff review.


Inform staff of contrast dye or iodine allergies to ensure proper precautions.


Avoid smoking 24 hours before angioplasty to minimize complications and improve healing.

What to Expect after Angioplasty?